To mark the European Commission's European Diversity Month, SEAT S.A. has announced the manifesto Diversity Takes Us Further: a set of principles that writes diversity and inclusion into the company's DNA and raises awareness of the importance of celebrating and embracing diversity among employees and society. The manifesto's four principles – ‘Reject Stereotypes’; ‘Demand Diversity’; ‘Take Real Action’; and ‘Spread the Message’ – embed respect and inclusion in SEAT S.A.’s work environment and highlight the value of difference as a source of strength for both individuals and organizations.
A set of principles that put diversity & inclusion into SEAT S.A’s corporate DNA.
Wayne Griffiths, President of SEAT S.A., said: “I’m very proud that SEAT S.A. is a family of four generations of employees of 67 different nationalities speaking 26 languages; with a relevant LGBTIQ+ community and where 25% of the management team are women. Diversity will be the key in the transformation of our company and will help us challenge the conventional. With this manifesto, we will continue to grow and advance, becoming an ever-more diverse, inclusive and open organisation.”
Diversity Takes Us Further
In an increasingly polarised world, SEAT S.A. believes in the value of diversity and inclusion, and that difference – whether in gender, race, age, identity or beliefs – makes us stronger. The four pillars of the new manifesto highlight the importance of rejecting stereotypes, identifying prejudices, and abandoning limiting assumptions, allowing every individual the freedom to grow and contribute.
At the same time, diversity is good for business. Different backgrounds and points of view create more competitive, innovative, and committed teams that recognise the value each member brings and reject exclusionary and discriminatory behaviour. It’s vital to recognise that diversity cannot be an empty corporate pledge. SEAT S.A. will set clear goals and hold itself accountable, taking meaningful action through training, education, mentorship, creating or adapting new processes, and promoting inclusive leadership. Finally, the manifesto insists that the company communicates these messages to its customers and shareholders, as well as the organisations it works with and the communities it lives with. Promoting the value of diversity contributes to a better world for everyone.
Awareness campaign #OutAtWorkVWgroup
On May 17, the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT), SEAT S.A. employees will participate in the #OutAtWorkVWgroup campaign, an initiative that showcases diversity across the Volkswagen Group. This campaign is promoted and led by Volkswagen's “We Drive Proud” network and the different LGBTIQ+ associations across the group, including queer@audi, Proud@Porsche, proud@MAN and Seat S.A.’s Pride Moves Us.
A continuous path towards inclusion and respect
Demonstrating a step forward in the company’s commitment to diversity & inclusion.
Tolerance, respect, honesty and inclusion are essential values of the company's diversity strategy, which considers the dimensions of gender, generations, nationalities and LGBTIQ + and takes into account all people and their different perspectives.The new manifesto is the latest of SEAT S.A. initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion among employees and raise awareness of these vital issues.
In 2012, the SEAT S.A. Equality Commission, formed jointly by the company’s management and its social representation, launched with goal of achieving real equality in the organization. Pride Moves Us was created in 2020 with the aim of promoting an open space for all employees, generating awareness, and giving visibility and support to SEAT S.A.’s LGBTIQ+ community. Likewise, at the beginning of 2021, SEAT S.A. joined the board of directors of REDI (Red Empresarial por la diversidad e inclusión LGBTI), the first business network for diversity and inclusion in Spain.
This work was recognized by the Financial Times in its 2020 Diversity Leaders report, which recognised SEAT S.A. as a European leader in diversity and inclusion. SEAT S.A. is also a member of the Diversity Charter, a charter of principles aimed at promoting a global commitment of companies in favour of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The project, organized by the Diversity Foundation, has more than 1,000 signatory companies in Spain and more than 12,000 throughout Europe. In 2019, the SEAT S.A. approved an internal protocol with the aim of protecting the right of all female employees to live and work safe from gender-based violence.