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SEAT pays out record bonus.

SEAT employees will receive a record gross bonus of 1,550 euros next 15 April, an increase of 45.1% compared to 2018 (1,068 euros). For the fourth consecutive year after the approval of the collective bargaining agreement in 2016, the company will be paying a profit-related bonus for the results obtained. Over the last four years, SEAT will have paid out almost 4,000 euros to each employee to this effect.

The 2019 bonus payment is the highest in SEAT’s history, and moreover, is 250 euros above the maximum established in the collective bargaining agreement. As requested by the unions UGT and CC.OO., the company decided to remunerate the workforce for their efforts during the past year with a bonus increase.

SEAT increased this year’s bonus in recognition of the efforts made by the workforce.

SEAT Vice-president for Human Resources Xavier Ros pointed out that “2019 was, again, a record year for SEAT thanks to the professionals who make up the company. This historic profit-related bonus is our way of acknowledging everyone’s commitment and dedication to achieving the excellent results posted last year in a complicated environment.”

As a consequence of the extraordinary situation resulting from COVID-19, SEAT agreed a package of measures on Monday, including a Temporary Employment Adjustment Plan due to force majeure, which will only apply to those persons who must interrupt their work activity due to COVID-19. In addition, SEAT will supplement unemployment benefits up to 80% of the amount reached by adding salary and pension provisions multiplied by 14 and divided by 12.